Over the years Sendell's Funeral Services have built a reputation for the quality and dignity with which we carry out a funeral service. We pride ourselves on offering personal attention to ensure bespoke funeral arrangements. We provide a comprehensive range of services and advise on making your final farewell a touching tribute to your loved one. If there is anything we can help you with that you can't find on our website please do not hesitate to contact us at any time for further assistance.
Coffins and Caskets
We can provide coffins and caskets from many suppliers. These vary from traditional, solid wood and a range of bespoke options. Many people today use environmentally friendly coffins such as Willow, Bamboo and Cardboard. We can now also create a bespoke colourful coffin for individual needs if required.
As standard we use a traditional hearse and limousines but we are also happy to arrange alternative modes of transport such as a bike with sidecar and a horse drawn hearse if required.
At the time of arranging a funeral, we will also arrange the announcement of a death in the form of an obituary which can be published in your choice of newspaper. Also we add the information to our own website for everyone to read.
Printed Service Cards
We produce bespoke service leaflets which can be personalized to your own specifications including order of service, photographs , hymns and poems etc.
Floral Tributes
We can arrange all your floral tributes for you or you may wish to organize these yourself. They then can be sent to us on the day of the funeral so we can place them in position before the hearse leaves for the funeral.
Over recent years more and more families prefer to have family flowers only and ask friends and neighbours to make a charitable donations in lieu of flowers and in memory of their loved one. We can coordinate donations on your behalf for your chosen charity and we will collect any payments given to us on the day and also give people the opportunity to make payments through our gateway on our website. We will then provide you with a list of donations made.
Fees and Disbursements
We make all payments on your behalf to the Ministers / Clergy, Crematoriums, Cemeteries, Obituaries and will provide you with one invoice with our fee and everything else itemized on it.
Heddfan Funeral Home
Heddfan Funeral Home is a Private Chapel of Rest which was opened and Consecrated by the Reverend Jack Thomas back in April 1973.
Stone Masonry
We also provide a wide range of hand crafted stone masonry and memorial related wood & stone work.
“We are committed to provide a service to the local community by looking after the deceased
and their families with the utmost professionalism, dignity and respect.”
Designed and Created By Timothy Sendell © 2015-2023 All Rights Reserved Hosted By Topwebspacehosting
With thanks to Coychurch Crematorium Bridgend for letting us take the photo's.