



    After Eleven years of being one of the top three funeral
    directors we have just been awarded it again for 2024

    Call us: 08003688105

  • Question: When the police are called to a sudden death, should they ask you what funeral director do you want to attend to remove your loved one?

    Answer: YES they should ask you what funeral director you request to remove your loved one.

    Question: If the police have already contacted a funeral director before the family attends, do we have to use the same funeral director to conduct arrangements? 

    Answer: NO you do NOT have to use the allocated funeral director that they have provided. This is a service that all funeral directors provide to the police. Some funeral directors may offer their services but DON'T feel obliged if you have your own funeral director or you need to speak to family first.

    Question: What should I do if the death occurs in the middle of the night or on the weekend?

    Answer: We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All you need to do is place a call to us on (01656) 840287. If you request immediate assistance, one of our team will be there within the hour. If the family wishes to spend a short time with the deceased to say good bye, it's acceptable. We will then come when your time is right.

    Question: Does a body have to be embalmed before it is buried?

    Answer: No, embalming is not required for burial or cremation. It is always your choice. Your decision may depend on such factors as whether the family selected a service with a public viewing of the body with an open casket; or if the body is going to be transported by air.

    Question: Do you arrange flowers for the families?

    Answer: Yes we can arrange flowers on behalf of the families.

    Question: Do we have to have a religious service?

    Answer: No you don't have to have a religious service. You can have a humanist to conduct the service or I myself have conducted many funeral services on behalf of the family. 

    Question: Do we have to pay for your services upfront or pay a deposit?

    Answer: No we don't ask for any upfront payments but we have been asked on many occasions if do we except a payment upfront which we would say yes.

    Question: Can I pay for a funeral in instalments?

    Answer: Yes we can offer you to pay a deposit with the balance payable over an agreed period by us at the time of arranging the funeral.

    Question: How much will a funeral cost?

    Answer: The cost of a funeral can vary, depending on a lot of things such as: Whether a burial or cremation is preferred, the type of funeral services required, whether the funeral is large or small, type of coffin or casket, the cost of a grave, and Fees paid to other professionals for services provide as arranged by us the funeral director such as opening and closing the grave, paid newspaper notices, honorarium for clergy etc. We offer a range of funerals to cover all requirements, depending on your wishes. We will discuss options and costs with you during the arrangement meeting.